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Status bar icon clicking doesn't bring up the menu

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 4:41 pm
by sminster
I've noticed clicking (right or left) on the NoScript status bar icon no longer brings up the context menu to control permissions of scripts on the page. This probably happened when NoScript changed from using a menu to the window that looks like a menu but doesn't go away until you click outside it (is there a name for this?) I've seen this new non-menu window on other machines, which is why I know about the change.

It is possible that this change is not compatible with Firefox 2 (which is what I'm using on this machine). I'm running FF 2 on Solaris, and it is non-trivial to upgrade to FF 3 (I've looked into it -- FF3 got rid of the GTK/GTK2 backends and added Cairo, so I'd need to build Cairo, which needs Pango, which needs a newer GTK, and so on).

Barring a fix in NoScript, what version should I try downgrading to to restore the context menu (assuming that's even the problem, but I think it is)? Is it even possible to cleanly downgrade?

Re: Status bar icon clicking doesn't bring up the menu

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 4:48 pm
by Giorgio Maone
sminster wrote:This probably happened when NoScript changed from using a menu to the window that looks like a menu but doesn't go away until you click outside it
This is the "sticky menu", but it doesn't work on Firefox 2, where NoScript still use the old-fashion menu.
Could you check if you can see any error message in Tools|Error Console after setting the javascript.options.showInConsole about:config preference to true and clicking the icon?
Also, could you try Standard Diagnostic?

Re: Status bar icon clicking doesn't bring up the menu

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 3:38 am
by Tom T.
Giorgio Maone wrote:This is the "sticky menu", but it doesn't work on Firefox 2, where NoScript still use the old-fashion menu.
It works fine on my Fx2. Does that mean I have a problem? lol
I wasn't even aware of the stickiness until sminster pointed it out, but I like it. It can be hard to hit a moving target with a touchpad. The only change I noticed was that the NS icon moved from being to the left of AdBlock to being in the right-hand corner. The about:config pref mentioned is in its default state of false and all is well.
sminster wrote:I've noticed clicking (right or left) on the NoScript status bar icon no longer brings up the context menu to control permissions of scripts on the page.
I don't know anything about Solaris. But in addition to Giorgio's suggestions, do you have the NS toolbar icon and dropdown arrow installed? Perhaps they might work, or provide more diagnostic information.

Re: Status bar icon clicking doesn't bring up the menu

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 4:03 am
by Nan M
Sticky menu has been the norm in this install too - for a while now.
I observed it in passing back at least 3 months ago, and noticed that it was sticky only when called via the GUI from either the bottom status bar icon - or yellow NS notification bar "options" button (sorry I can't remember which was sticky now).
That changed recently (again sorry I didn't observe which update) to the menu being sticky in all calls everywhere.
The bottom status bar icon works here - calls a sticky menu.

I can't remember when the CTRL SHIFT S drop down wasn't sticky.

Re: Status bar icon clicking doesn't bring up the menu

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 5:06 am
by Alan Baxter
No, no, no, no, no. By "sticky", Giorgio doesn't mean that clicking on the status bar or tool bar icon pops up a menu, which disappears only when you click on it. The NS "sticky" menu does not automatically disappear when you Allow or Forbid a site. It allows the user to choose multiple actions before it disappears, which happens when you press ESC or click outside the menu. The "sticky" menu has a distinctive dark border and does not work in Fx 2, at least on Windows XP. I just tested it on my dedicated Fx 2 NoScript test profile, which I've rarely needed to use anymore. None of its menus are "sticky", but some of them are in Fx 3.

Re: Status bar icon clicking doesn't bring up the menu

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 12:27 pm
by sminster
Thanks to all the replies. Here's what I've found based on the various suggestions:
  • Nothing informative shows up in the error console even when I set javascript.options.showInConsole to true.
  • I tried disabling some other addons that I thought might be affecting this (Greasemonkey and Adblock), but that didn't change the situation.
  • I tried disabling the sticky menu by setting noscript.stickyUI to false. That had no effect.
  • I found that if I enabled the NS status bar label, right clicking on that brought up the menu as expected. The icon does not work.
  • I found that ctrl+shift+s brings up the NS menu as well.
I have changed my NS preferences to only show the status bar label, and not the icon. That will provide me the ability to temporarily allow scripts as I need them. As a backup, I now know about the ctrl+shift+s keyboard shortcut. I don't know what is wrong with the icon, but the label is a suitable workaround.

Thanks for your help, and for a great addon!

Re: Status bar icon clicking doesn't bring up the menu

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 12:31 pm
by Giorgio Maone
glad you found a work-around, but I'd really appreciate if you could find the time to perform a full Standard Diagnostic cycle.
We know for sure that some extensions are unkind with other statusbar icons (e.g. Stumbleupon or Siteadvisor), and we'd love to know more about the culprit in your case.
Many thanks!

Re: Status bar icon clicking doesn't bring up the menu

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 2:55 pm
by Nan M
Alan Baxter wrote:No, no, no, no, no. By "sticky", Giorgio doesn't mean that clicking on the status bar or tool bar icon pops up a menu, which disappears only when you click on it. The NS "sticky" menu does not automatically disappear when you Allow or Forbid a site. [...] None of its menus are "sticky", but some of them are in Fx 3.
Jim from The Vicar of Dibley
No no no no no ... Yes.
/Jim from The Vicar of Dibley
When I don't actually use a feature, I should shut my gob. :-)