Firefox 127.0
While trying to use Ctrl-Shift-T to reopen a closed tab, NoScript was blocking this, and showing a blank (not filled out) Cross-tab identity leak protection prompt where none of the controls were clickable. Caught this message in Browser Console -
Code: Select all
[NoScript] undefined Missing promptData undefined undefined log.js:42:13
error moz-extension://xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/nscl/common/log.js:42
<anonymous> moz-extension://xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/ui/prompt.js:26
Had to go History > Recently Closed Tabs to reopen the tab.
EDIT Was able to reproduce the symptom, although not sure this isn't different cause:
1) trigger a Cross-tab identity leak protection dialog
2) close the Cross-tab identity leak protection dialog
3) immediately press Ctrl-Shift-T