What do the individual checkboxes for Default/Trusted/Untrusted/Custom mean?

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What do the individual checkboxes for Default/Trusted/Untrusted/Custom mean?

Post by barbaz »

script - JavaScript, e.g. <script> tags

object - plugin objects (usually Flash, Java applets, Silverlight, etc)

media - HTML5 audio/video

frame - subdocuments, e.g. <frame> and <iframe>

font - remote fonts

webgl - WebGL

fetch - whether other sites can make XMLHttpRequest (sometimes abbreviated as "XHR") and Fetch request to this site

ping - destination of navigator.sendBeacon and hyperlink ping attribute

noscript - whether to show the contents of <noscript> elements where NoScript blocks scripts (which can happen either by disabling "script" permission for the site, or having "Any capability blocked in the top document must be blocked in its subdocuments too" enabled - see viewtopic.php?p=103640#p103640 )

"lazy load" - when disabled for a site, NoScript will prevent webpages served by that site from using scriptless lazy loading for any subresources (loading="lazy" attribute will be changed to loading="eager")

"unrestricted CSS" - when disabled for a site, NoScript mitigates pure-CSS exploits (e.g. CSS PP0) on pages served by that site

LAN - whether this site is allowed to make requests to resources on your local network, e.g. localhost or private IP addresses, when this site is not itself hosted on your local network

other - requests where Firefox cannot identify the request type (ref https://hackademix.net/2017/12/04/noscr ... ment-39964)


(Last updated for NoScript 11.4.35rc3. Originally posted in reply to viewtopic.php?f=7&t=24046 , which also hosts the related discussion.)
*Always* check the changelogs BEFORE updating that important software!