duplicate/crosspost/hijacking split from t=23766

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duplicate/crosspost/hijacking split from t=23766

Post by frustratedalot »

I have used the ver 5 last few years no problems. I had to dl firefox 57 and then noscript ver 10. I was about to throw the computer, i miss the bar at the bottom of the screen to look and choose options. I went back to older firefox and noscript ver 5. I also use CCcleaner and I wonder how that will affect ver 10 of noscript once it's all fixed to operate like noscript ver 5? I mean, typically run CCleaner each time I turn computers on and it did mess with what was not allowed and allowed in noscript ver 5. I can only imagine now with 10 how much more pain in the azz as just reading all the problems hear on the forum with ver 10! I mean each time w/ ver 5 I had to mess with setting after CCleaner on what was allowed and not, you imagine with ver 10?!?!? There any time on when ver 10 will be finalized to basically operate like ver 5 and be able to go back to firefox 57 and later with noscript ver 10?
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Re: duplicate/crosspost/hijacking split from t=23766

Post by barbaz »

Warning issued for duplicate cross-posting and hijacking another user's thread. Do not do it again.

Split and locked.
*Always* check the changelogs BEFORE updating that important software!