Works: search.php?keywords=html&terms=allInformation
No suitable matches were found.
If try to search for a 2-letter word, e.g. search.php?keywords=ns&terms=all, this is what comes up:
(emphasis mine)Information
The following words in your search query were ignored because they are too common words: ns .
You must specify at least one word to search for. Each word must consist of at least 4 characters and must not contain more than 84 characters excluding wildcards.
Something along those lines would have been a much more reasonable message to print out when searching for 3-letter "words".
People are seeing the "No suitable matches were found" and (reasonably) thinking it's saying there are no threads here about what they're searching for - and so they post new thread on already-discussed topic and someone on board staff has to go close it and point them to the right thread. Time is wasted on all sides.
Since there are many 3-letter words that are useful to search for, can the "word" size lower limit please be changed to 3 characters? Thanks!