I have a file: URL surrogate which is rather massive and is acting up such that it can't be loaded. SyntaxError: missing } after property list
It's too big for me to manually go through and find the error. How can configure NoScript to output line & column where error occurred in file: URL surrogates?
Error messages missing details
Error messages missing details
*Always* check the changelogs BEFORE updating that important software!
Re: Error messages missing details
OK I decided to try somewhat creative as a stopgap measure. Dropped a test.html file containing just a script tag pointing to the script. And found the syntax error (ugh didn't know that can't use .bind() in object initializer get!)
This will allow to make sure it's at least syntactically correct, obviously it won't work fully in that situation and further debugging can be done in the real environment with the usual console.*, alert, etc
This will allow to make sure it's at least syntactically correct, obviously it won't work fully in that situation and further debugging can be done in the real environment with the usual console.*, alert, etc
*Always* check the changelogs BEFORE updating that important software!