stupid require.js at rottentomatoes breaks surrogate

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stupid require.js at rottentomatoes breaks surrogate

Post by wxman1 »

At rottentomatoes, this:
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
require.config({paths:{jquery:" ... jquery.min"}});

bla bla bla...

require.config({baseUrl:"//",waitSeconds:60,config:{text:{useXhr:function(C,D,B,A){return true}}},paths:{facebook:"//",backbone:"//",bootstrap:"//",clamp:"lib/clamp.min",device:"//",marionette:"//",moment:"//",slick:["//","lib/slick.min"],jqueryui:"//",text:"//",typeahead:["//",],underscore:"//",select2:"//",jwplayer:"//",googletag:"//",d ... trap:{deps:["jquery"]},clamp:{deps:["jquery"],exports:"$clamp"},slick:{deps:["jquery"],exports:"slick"},text:{deps:["backbone"]},marionette:{deps:["jquery","underscore","backbone"],exports:"Marionette"},jwplayer:{exports:"jwplayer"},select2:{deps:["jquery"]},"domReady!":{exports:"domReady!"},facebook:{exports:"FB"},scrollTo:{deps:["jquery"]},"jquery-cookie":{deps:["jquery"]},jqueryui:{deps:["jquery"]},touchSwipe:{deps:["jquery"]},typeahead:{deps:["jquery","bootstrap"],exports:"typeahead"},swiper:{deps:["jquery"]},nouislider:{deps:["jquery"]},readmore:{deps:["jquery"]},dotdotdot:{deps:["jquery"]},googletag:{deps:["//"],exports:"googletag"}}});</script>

tons of bla+bla+bla and more bla bla bla
is breaking my local hosted jQuery, i.e.,


Both files are hosted locally, are the latest and work fine on other jQuery invoking sites. If I enable in NS, then the desired functionality at rottentomatoes is available, e.g., in Movies & DVD, any of the sub-categories, it doesn't load the thumbnails.
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Re: stupid require.js at rottentomatoes breaks surrogate

Post by barbaz »

Is it fetching the script by XMLHttpRequest and running it from there, or dynamically injecting a script element to the page?
Does playing with about:config > noscript.fakeScriptLoadEvents.* prefs change anything?
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Re: stupid require.js at rottentomatoes breaks surrogate

Post by wxman1 »

Can't quote the previous post: Ooops, looks like you're spamming!
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Re: stupid require.js at rottentomatoes breaks surrogate

Post by wxman1 »

Fine. :evil: We'll go around you. :arrow:
barbaz wrote:Does playing with about:config > noscript.fakeScriptLoadEvents.* prefs change anything?
Nope. Both prefs, i.e., loadevents.enabled and loadevents.onlyRequire.JS were both enabled. Enabling one, the other, or both had no effect.

@Babaz, the web-site thinks your first sentance is spam; it can't be posted in any form. :twisted: :?: :shock: :?

The answer to your qwexion is dunno. I'll have to dig into how require.js implements the parameter {paths:{jquery:" ... jquery.min"}} to the function require.config()
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Re: stupid require.js at rottentomatoes breaks surrogate

Post by barbaz »

wxman1 wrote:Can't quote the previous post: Ooops, looks like you're spamming!
Right, we all know that I am one of those awesome security software firefox pesky spammers and should have been permanently banned a long time ago... :lol: :roll:

You can send any active Moderator (currently me, GµårÐïåñ, therube, or Thrawn) a PM of what you want to post and we will try to post it for you.
wxman1 wrote:Nope. Both prefs, i.e., loadevents.enabled and loadevents.onlyRequire.JS were both enabled. Enabling one, the other, or both had no effect.
OK. So what about this:
barbaz wrote:Is it fetching the script by XMLHttpRequest and running it from there, or dynamically injecting a script element to the page?
Because if it does fetch the script by XHR then yes would require the destination site (Temp-)Allowed in NS - surrogate functionality is not a proxy equivalent by any means, and it's not possible to tell with certainty what the contents of an XHR destination will be until after it's happened.

Firefox's built-in dev tools (Tools > Web Development ?) should be able to help you find this out - start by watch the Net requests and/or search the live DOM.

EDIT Sorry, posted this before I saw your edit. I don't think you'll have to dig through the JS.
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Re: stupid require.js at rottentomatoes breaks surrogate

Post by wxman1 »

In my OP, the first two <script> tags 'splains how its doin' it, i.e., it invokes require.JS, and passes path to jQuery.JS as a parameter to require.config().

The second <script> tag references require.config() parameters, which embedded deeply in the midst of that horror is the path to jQuery-UI

How do I discern XHR in the browser console?
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Re: stupid require.js at rottentomatoes breaks surrogate

Post by barbaz »

IIRC it should say "XHR" after the request type?
(If the Firefox built-in dev tools aren't enough, you can install Firebug.)
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Re: stupid require.js at rottentomatoes breaks surrogate

Post by Thrawn »

Have you tried adding to the sources value of your local jQuery surrogate? Just separate it from the existing sources with a space.
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