Browser fingerprinting code samples

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Browser fingerprinting code samples

Post by Lurion »

I've recently had a conversation about some security issues on the topic of browser fingerprinting. As you may know already, browser fingerprinting is an act of collecting a large amount of data about a user's browser properties and settings in hopes that the data, when combined, can be used to uniquely identify a person's web browser. While there are a lot of ways to collect information about someone's browser, it is normally and most easily performed by using a piece of javascript embedded in a given website. Upon visiting such website, the script will then collect various browser data (screen/browser resolution, installed addons, fonts, canvas fingerprints, system colors, etc.) and likely send it back to the server for profiling.

I had this idea for a new thread where forum members can submit samples for browser fingerprinting code found in the wild. We can build a collection of scripts that will be interesting to look at from a security perspective, and if you're looking for samples of tracking javascript code then this is the place. Did you happen to come across a website that utilizes some tracking code? Or perhaps you found some interesting code elsewhere? Feel free post it here and contribute.

Please use the following format when submitting code samples:

Name: A short name for the code entry
Description: A short description of the code i.e. what it does, what it collects, what's special about it, etc
Location: Where did yo ufind this code? Normally a URL linking the web page where the script is being used
Code: The code itself. NOTE: The forum uses some sort of spam filter, so posting the entire code in the thread may not work. If you're having trouble posting the code, you can use websites like pastebin and post the link here, but please try to use services that don't expire. Or simply ask a mod to post the code for you.


Name: Turbulent - RSI Anti-XSS Fingerprinting script
Description: This script is used on the RSI website. It collects data like WebGL fingerprint, fonts, canvas fingerprint, installed plugins, ActiveX, system colors, screen properties, navigator properties and DOM storage presence. Only works on the first visit unless cookies are cleared.
Code: Tracking snippet:
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Re: Browser fingerprinting code samples

Post by Lurion »

Name: Cyberfend browser fingerprinting script
Description: This script collects a whole crapload of data about your browser. Screen info, WebRTC, various attributes, canvas fingerprint, plugins, fonts, ActiveX, DOM Storage, accelerometer and a whole ton more.
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Re: Browser fingerprinting code samples

Post by barbaz »

I'd like to note viewtopic.php?f=7&t=19388 (and the thread I linked there):

Name: fp_*.js
Description: Tries to collect as much information about you as possible, including but not limited to what browser/OS you use, what plugins you have installed, your screen size, timezone, browser language, and whether you're behind a proxy.
Location: and

Code: (this is an old snapshot I happened to have on hand)

Code: Select all

 * Misc. Utility Functions
function activeXDetect(componentClassID) {
	componentVersion = document.body.getComponentVersion('{' + componentClassID + '}', 'ComponentID');
	return (componentVersion != null) ? componentVersion : false;

function stripIllegalChars(value) {
	t = "";
	// first we need to escape any "\n" or "/" or "\"
	value = value.toLowerCase();
	for (i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
		if (value.charAt(i) != '\n' && value.charAt(i) != '/'
				&& value.charAt(i) != "\\") {
			t += value.charAt(i);
		} else if (value.charAt(i) == '\n') {
			t += "n";
	return t;

function stripFullPath(tempFileName, filePrefix, fileSuffix) {
	var prefix = filePrefix;
	var suffix = fileSuffix; 
	var fileName = tempFileName;
	// omit the prefix
	var prefixStart = fileName.lastIndexOf(prefix);	
	if (prefixStart >= 0)
		filenameLen = fileName.length;
	    fileName = fileName.substring(prefixStart + prefix.length, filenameLen );
	// omit the suffix	
	var suffixStart= fileName.indexOf(suffix);
	if( suffixStart >=0 )
		fileName = fileName.slice(0,suffixStart);		
	return fileName;

var BrowserDetect = {
		init: function () {
			this.browser = this.searchString(this.dataBrowser) || "An unknown browser";
			this.version = this.searchVersion(navigator.userAgent)
				|| this.searchVersion(navigator.appVersion)
				|| "an unknown version";
			this.OS = this.searchString(this.dataOS) || "an unknown OS";
		searchString: function (data) {
			for (var i=0;i<data.length;i++)	{
				var dataString = data[i].string;
				var dataProp = data[i].prop;
				this.versionSearchString = data[i].versionSearch || data[i].identity;
				if (dataString) {
					if (dataString.indexOf(data[i].subString) != -1)
						return data[i].identity;
				else if (dataProp)
					return data[i].identity;
		searchVersion: function (dataString) {
			var index = dataString.indexOf(this.versionSearchString);
			if (index == -1) return;
			return parseFloat(dataString.substring(index+this.versionSearchString.length+1));
		dataBrowser: [
				string: navigator.userAgent,
				subString: "Chrome",				
				identity: "Chrome"
			{ 	string: navigator.userAgent,
				subString: "OmniWeb",
				versionSearch: "OmniWeb/",
				identity: "OmniWeb"
				string: navigator.vendor,
				subString: "Apple",
				identity: "Safari",
				versionSearch: "Version"
				prop: window.opera,
				identity: "Opera"
				string: navigator.vendor,
				subString: "iCab",
				identity: "iCab"
				string: navigator.vendor,
				subString: "KDE",
				identity: "Konqueror"
				string: navigator.userAgent,
				subString: "Firefox",
				identity: "Firefox"
				string: navigator.vendor,
				subString: "Camino",
				identity: "Camino"
			{		// for newer Netscapes (6+)
				string: navigator.userAgent,
				subString: "Netscape",
				identity: "Netscape"
				string: navigator.userAgent,
				subString: "MSIE",
				identity: "Explorer",				
				versionSearch: "MSIE"
				string: navigator.userAgent,
				subString: "Gecko",
				identity: "Mozilla",
				versionSearch: "rv"
			{ 		// for older Netscapes (4-)
				string: navigator.userAgent,
				subString: "Mozilla",
				identity: "Netscape",
				versionSearch: "Mozilla"
		dataOS : [
				string: navigator.platform,
				subString: "Win",
				identity: "Windows"
				string: navigator.platform,
				subString: "Mac",
				identity: "Mac"
				   string: navigator.userAgent,
				   subString: "iPhone",
				   identity: "iPhone/iPod"
				string: navigator.platform,
				subString: "Linux",
				identity: "Linux"

	};	/*
	Helper Hashtable implementation
	function Hashtable()
    	var keysToIndex = {__indexToValue:[],__indexToKeys:[]};
	    var activeEnum = [];
    	var tableLength = 0;
	    var self = this;

	    This inner Object constructor is used to implement a Java
    	style Enumerator (and Iterator) Object.

    	function Enumeration(arrNm)
        	var lastIndex = null;
	        var enumIndex = 0;
    	    while(typeof activeEnum[enumIndex] == 'number')enumIndex += 1;
        	activeEnum[enumIndex] = 0;

    	    Returns true if this Enumerator/ has another entry to
	        return, else returns false.
        	this.hasNext = this.hasMoreElements = function(){
            if(activeEnum[enumIndex] < tableLength){
                return true;
                if(typeof activeEnum[enumIndex] == 'number'){
                    activeEnum[enumIndex] = null;
                return false;

        Returns the next item from this Enumerator/Iterator (key
        or value, depending on whether it was created with the keys
        or elements methods).
        */ = this.nextElement = function(){
                lastIndex = activeEnum[enumIndex];
                return keysToIndex[arrNm][activeEnum[enumIndex]++];
                return null;

        Removes the last entry (key/value pair) accessed with the
        next or nextElement methods of this Enumerator/Iterator
        (if any). The key/value pair is removed regardless of whether
        the Enumerator/Iterator was accessing keys or values.
        this.remove = function(){
            if(typeof lastIndex == 'number'){
                lastIndex = null;
    	// End Enumeration

    	Returns the value mapped to the provided (String) key, or null
	    if the key is not mapped to a value.
	    this.get = function(key){
        if(typeof keysToIndex[key] == 'number'){
            return keysToIndex.__indexToValue[keysToIndex[key]];
            return null;
    	Adds the value provided to this Hashtable mapped to the key
	    this.put = function(key, value){
    	if(typeof keysToIndex[key] == 'number'){
            keysToIndex.__indexToValue[keysToIndex[key]] = value;
            keysToIndex[key] = tableLength;
            keysToIndex.__indexToValue[tableLength] = value;
            keysToIndex.__indexToKeys[tableLength++] = key;
	    Removes the key and any value mapped to it from this
	    this.remove = function(key){
    	    var remIndex = keysToIndex[key];
        	if(typeof remIndex == 'number'){
            	delete keysToIndex[key];
	            tableLength -= 1;
    	        for(var c = remIndex;c < tableLength;c++){
        	        keysToIndex.__indexToValue[c] =
            	    keysToIndex[(keysToIndex.__indexToKeys[c] =
                                keysToIndex.__indexToKeys[c+1])] = c;
    	        for(var c = 0;c < activeEnum.length;c++){
        	        if((activeEnum[c])&&(remIndex < activeEnum[c])){
            	        activeEnum[c] -= 1;

    	Returns the length of this Hashtable.
    	this.size = function(){
        	return tableLength;

	    This method is not intended for external use! use elements
    	and keys methods instead.
    	this.__enumerate = function(type){
		    return new Enumeration(type);

		Returns an object that is similar to the Java Enumeration
		Interface, having hasMoreElements and nextElement Methods. This
		object also reproduces the Java Iterator interface, having methods
		hasNext, next and remove. This enumeration is of the values stored
		in the Hashtable.
		Hashtable.prototype.elements = function(){
    		return this.__enumerate('__indexToValue');

		Returns an object that is similar to the Java Enumeration
		Interface, having hasMoreElements and nextElement Methods. This
		object also reproduces the Java Iterator interface, having methods
		hasNext, next and remove. This enumeration is of the keys stored
		in the Hashtable.
		Hashtable.prototype.keys = function(){
		    return this.__enumerate('__indexToKeys');

		Removes all entry's from the Hashtable
		Hashtable.prototype.clear = function(){
	    	var e = this.keys();

		Hashtable.prototype.toString = function(){
	    var n,e = this.keys();
    	var st = '';
    	    n =;
        	st += n+' => '+this.get(n)+'\r\n';
    	return st;


		Returns true if this Hashtable contains a value that is equal
		to the value provided, else returns false
		Hashtable.prototype.contains = function(testVal){
    		var e = this.elements();
    	    	if( == testVal)return true;
    		return false;

		Returns true if this Hashtable contains a value that is equal
		to the value provided, else returns false.
		Hashtable.prototype.containsValue = Hashtable.prototype.contains;

		Returns true if this Hashtable contains a value mapped to
		the value provided, else returns false.
		Hashtable.prototype.containsKey = function(testKey){
    		return (this.get(testKey) != null);

		Returns true if this Hashtable has zero entry's.
		Hashtable.prototype.isEmpty = function(){
    		return (this.size() == 0);

		If the parameter provided is another Hashtable object
		then all of the key/value pairs from the provided Hashtable
		are added to this Hashtable.
		Hashtable.prototype.putAll = function(hTable){
    	if(hTable.constructor == Hashtable){
        	var n,e = hTable.keys();
            	n =;
	            this.put(n, hTable.get(n));

		Returns a 'shallow' copy of this Hashtable.
		Hashtable.prototype.clone = function(){
    		var ht = new Hashtable();
	    	return ht;

		Returns true if this Hashtable equals the parameter
		provided, else it returns false.
		Hashtable.prototype.equals = function(o){
    	return (o == this);
IE_FingerPrint.prototype = new FingerPrint();

function IE_FingerPrint() {
	 * This function captures the User Agent String from the Client Browser
	this.deviceprint_browser = function () {
		var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
		t = ua + SEP + navigator.appVersion + SEP + navigator.platform;
		t += SEP + navigator.appMinorVersion + SEP + navigator.cpuClass + SEP + navigator.browserLanguage;
		t += SEP + ScriptEngineBuildVersion();
		return t;

	this.deviceprint_software = function() {
		var t = "";
		var isFirst = true;

		var compVer;
		for (i = 0; i < components.length; i++) {
			compVer = activeXDetect(components[i]);
			var name = names[i];
			if (compVer) {
				if (isFirst == true) {
					t += name + PAIR + compVer;
					isFirst = false;
				} else {
					t += SEP + name + PAIR + compVer;
			} else {
				t += "";
				isFirst = false;
		return t;
	var names = new Array(  "abk", // Address Book
			       		 	"wnt", // Windows Desktop Update NT
							"aol", // AOL ART Image Format Support
							"arb", // Arabic Text Display Support
							"chs", // Chinese (Simplified) Text Display Support
							"cht", // Chinese (traditional) Text Display Support
							"dht", // Dynamic HTML Data Binding
							"dhj", // Dynamic HTML Data Binding for Java
							"dan", // DirectAnimation
							"dsh", // DirectShow
							"heb", // Hebrew Text Display Support
							"ie5", // Internet Explorer 5 Browser
							"icw", // Internet Connection Wizard
							"ibe", // Internet Explorer Browsing Enhancements
							"iec", // Internet Explorer Classes for Java
							"ieh", // Internet Explorer Help
							"iee", // Internet Explorer Help Engine
							"jap", // Japanese Text Display Support
							"krn", // Korean Text Display Support
							"lan", // Language Auto-Selection
							"swf", // Macromedia Flash
							"shw", // Macromedia Shockwave Director
							"msn", // MSN Messenger Service
							"wmp", // Windows Media Player
							"obp", // Offline Browsing Pack
							"oex", // Outlook Express
							"net", // NetMeeting NT
							"pan", // Pan-European Text Display Support
							"thi", // Thai Text Display Support
							"tks", // Task Scheduler
							"uni", // Uniscribe
							"vtc", // Vector Graphics Rendering (VML)
							"vnm", // Vietnamese Text Display Support
							"mvm", // Microsoft virtual machine
							"vbs", // Visual Basic Scripting Support
							"wfd" // Web Folders

	 * Create a Hashtable of IE components guids
	var components = new Array( "7790769C-0471-11D2-AF11-00C04FA35D02",


Mozilla_FingerPrint.prototype = new FingerPrint();

function Mozilla_FingerPrint() {

Opera_FingerPrint.prototype = new FingerPrint();

function Opera_FingerPrint() {	

	 * detectFields() - return a delimited string that includes the URL of the page, the forms names
	 * and their non hidden input fields names.
	 * Available since AAH-8.5	 
	function detectFields()
		var formPrefix = "form";
		var inputPrefix = "input";
		var formsInPage = document.getElementsByTagName('form');
		var numOfForms = formsInPage.length;
		var inputsInForm;
		var numOfInputs;
		var formsInputsData = [];
		formsInputsData.push("url=" + window.location.href);
		for ( var i = 0; i < numOfForms; i++ )
			formsInputsData.push(formPrefix + "=" + formsInPage[i].name);		
			inputsInForm = formsInPage[i].getElementsByTagName('input');
			numOfInputs = inputsInForm.length;
			for ( var j = 0; j < numOfInputs;j++)
				if( inputsInForm[j].type != "hidden")
					formsInputsData.push(inputPrefix + "=" + inputsInForm[j].name);
		var finalFormsData = formsInputsData.join("|");		
		return finalFormsData;		
	}	/*
	 *include all the java script 

	var SEP = '|';
	var PAIR = '=';
	var DEV = '~';	
	 * the FingerPrint prototype object defines the following properties, deviceprint_browser,
	 * deviceprint_software, deviceprint_display...., that reference the functions, deviceprint_browser,
	 * deviceprint_software, deviceprint_display, .... Every instance of FingerPrint inherits the
	 * prototype allowing them to call the FingerPrint functions through the
	 * properties.
	function FingerPrint() {
		var ver = 2;		
		 Create a Hashtable of mozilla components
		var ht = new Hashtable();
		ht.put('npnul32','def'); 		// Default netscape plugin
		ht.put('npqtplugin6','qt6'); 	// Quicktime 6.5.1
		ht.put('npqtplugin5','qt5'); 	// Quicktime 6.5.1
		ht.put('npqtplugin4','qt4'); 	// Quicktime 6.5.1
		ht.put('npqtplugin3','qt3'); 	// Quicktime 6.5.1
		ht.put('npqtplugin2','qt2'); 	// Quicktime 6.5.1
		ht.put('npqtplugin','qt1');  	// Quicktime 6.5.1
		ht.put('nppdf32','pdf'); 		// Adobe Acrobat
		ht.put('NPSWF32','swf'); 		// Macromedia Flash
		ht.put('NPJava11','j11');    	// Java 1.4.2_02
		ht.put('NPJava12','j12');    	// Java 1.4.2_02
		ht.put('NPJava13','j13');    	// Java 1.4.2_02
		ht.put('NPJava32','j32');    	// Java 1.4.2_02
		ht.put('NPJava14','j14');    	// Java 2 5.0 Update 4
		ht.put('npoji600','j61');    	// Java 2 5.0 Update 4
		ht.put('NPJava131_16','j16');   // Java 1.3.1_16
		ht.put('NPOFFICE','mso');    	// Microsoft Office 2003
		ht.put('npdsplay','wpm');		// Windows Media Player
		ht.put('npwmsdrm','drm');    	// Windows DRM
		ht.put('npdrmv2','drn');    	// Netscape DRM
		ht.put('nprjplug','rjl');    	// Real Jukebox
		ht.put('nppl3260','rpl');    	// Real Player Live Connect
		ht.put('nprpjplug','rpv');    	// Real Player Version
		ht.put('npchime','chm');		// Chime
		ht.put('npCortona','cor');    	// Cortina
		ht.put('np32dsw','dsw');    	// Macromedia Director
		ht.put('np32asw','asw');		// Macromedia Authorware
		 * This function return the js version
		this.deviceprint_version = function () {						
			return ver;
		 * This function captures the User Agent String from the Client Browser
		this.deviceprint_browser = function () {			
			var userAgent = navigator.userAgent;
			var ua = userAgent.toLowerCase();
			var t = ua + SEP + navigator.appVersion + SEP + navigator.platform;
			return t;
		 * This function captures the User software String
		this.deviceprint_software = function () {		
			var t = "";
			var isFirst = true;
			if (navigator.plugins.length > 0)
				var temp = "";
				var fileName = "";
				var key = "";
				var lastDir = "Plugins";				
				for (i = 0; i < navigator.plugins.length; i++)
					plugin = navigator.plugins[i];
					fileName = stripFullPath(plugin.filename, lastDir,".");										
					if (isFirst==true)
						key = ht.containsKey(fileName);
							temp += ht.get(fileName);
							temp = "";
						key = ht.containsKey(fileName);
							temp += SEP + ht.get(fileName);
							temp += "";
				t = stripIllegalChars(temp);
			else if (navigator.mimeTypes.length > 0)
				key = "";
				for (i = 0; i < navigator.mimeTypes.length; i++)
					mimeType = navigator.mimeTypes[i];
					if (isFirst==true)
						key = ht.containsKey(mimeType);
							t += ht.get(mimeType) + PAIR + mimeType;
							t += "unknown" + PAIR + mimeType;
						key = ht.containsKey(mimeType);
							t += SEP + ht.get(mimeType) + PAIR + mimeType;
							temp += "";
			return t;
		 * This function captures the Client's Screen Information
		this.deviceprint_display = function () {
			var t = "";
			if (self.screen) {
				t += screen.colorDepth + SEP + screen.width + SEP + screen.height + SEP + screen.availHeight;
			return t;

		 This function captures ALL the user's plugin types from the browser.		 
		this.deviceprint_all_software = function () {
			var t = "";
			var isFirst = true;
			if (navigator.plugins.length > 0) {
				var temp = "";
				var fileName = "";
				var key = "";
				for (i = 0; i < navigator.plugins.length; i++) {
					var plugin = navigator.plugins[i];
					fileName = plugin.filename;
					fileName = stripFullPath(fileName,"Plugins",".");									
					if (isFirst == true) {						
						temp += fileName;
						isFirst = false;						
					} else {						
						temp += SEP + fileName;						
				t = stripIllegalChars(temp);	
			return t;
		 * This function captures the user's timezone in GMT
		this.deviceprint_timezone = function () {
			var gmtHours = (new Date().getTimezoneOffset() / 60) * (-1);
			return gmtHours;
		 * This function captures the user's browser language. Note: this is captured in
		 * the User Agent String, but this function provides more detailed information
		 * from IE (system language)
		this.deviceprint_language = function () {
			var lang;
			if (typeof (navigator.language) !== "undefined") {
				lang = "lang" + PAIR + navigator.language + SEP;
			} else if (typeof (navigator.browserLanguage) !== "undefined") {
				lang = "lang" + PAIR + navigator.browserLanguage + SEP;
			} else {
				lang = "lang" + PAIR + "" + SEP;
			if ((typeof (navigator.systemLanguage) !== "undefined"))
				lang += "syslang" + PAIR + navigator.systemLanguage + SEP;
			} else {
				lang += "syslang" + PAIR + "" + SEP;
			if ((typeof (navigator.userLanguage) !== "undefined"))
				lang += "userlang" + PAIR + navigator.userLanguage;
			} else
				lang += "userlang" + PAIR + "";
			return lang;
		 * This function captures whether or not Java is enabled
		this.deviceprint_java = function() {
			var javaEnabled = (navigator.javaEnabled()) ? 1 : 0;
			return javaEnabled;
		 * This function captures whether or not user enabled cookies or not
		this.deviceprint_cookie = function () {
			var cookieEnabled = (navigator.cookieEnabled) ? 1 : 0;
			// if not IE4+ nor NS6+
			if (typeof navigator.cookieEnabled === "undefined" && !cookieEnabled) {
				document.cookie = "testcookie";
				cookieEnabled = (document.cookie.indexOf("testcookie") !== -1) ? 1 : 0;
			return cookieEnabled;
		This function captures the Client's Application Name
		this.deviceprint_appName = function() {	
			return (typeof(navigator.appName) != "undefined" ) ? navigator.appName : "";
		This function captures the Client's Application Code Name
		this.deviceprint_appCodeName = function () {		
			return (typeof(navigator.appCodeName) != "undefined" ) ? navigator.appCodeName : ""; 					
		This function captures the Client's online browser status
		this.deviceprint_online = function () {		
			return (typeof(navigator.onLine) != "undefined" ) ? navigator.onLine : "";
		This function captures the Client's operating system profile
		this.deviceprint_opsProfile = function () {					
			return ((typeof(navigator.opsProfile) != "undefined") && (navigator.opsProfile != null) ) ? navigator.opsProfile : "";
		This function captures the user profile
		this.deviceprint_userProfile = function () {		
			return ((typeof(navigator.userProfile) != "undefined") && (navigator.userProfile != null) ) ? navigator.userProfile : "";
		This function captures the width of the Client's display screen - excluding the Windows Taskbar 
		this.deviceprint_screen_availWidth = function () {		
			return (typeof(screen.availWidth ) != "undefined") ? screen.availWidth  : "";
		This function captures the Client's color resolution - Pixel Depth 
		this.deviceprint_screen_pixelDepth = function () {		
			return (typeof(screen.pixelDepth ) != "undefined") ? screen.pixelDepth  : "";
		This function captures the Client's bit depth of the color palette in the off-screen bitmap buffer. 
		this.deviceprint_screen_bufferDepth = function () {			
			return (typeof(screen.bufferDepth ) != "undefined") ? screen.bufferDepth  : "";
		This function captures the Client's number of horizontal dots per inch of the display screen 
		this.deviceprint_screen_deviceXDPI = function () {			
			return (typeof(screen.deviceXDPI ) != "undefined") ? screen.deviceXDPI  : "";
		This function captures the Client's number of vertical  dots per inch of the display screen 
		this.deviceprint_screen_deviceYDPI = function () {			
			return (typeof(screen.deviceYDPI ) != "undefined") ? screen.deviceYDPI  : "";
		This function captures the Client's normal number of horizontal dots per inch of the display screen. 
		this.deviceprint_screen_logicalXDPI = function () {			
			return (typeof(screen.logicalXDPI ) != "undefined") ? screen.logicalXDPI  : "";
		This function captures the Client's normal number of vertical dots per inch of the display screen. 
		this.deviceprint_screen_logicalYDPI = function () {			
			return (typeof(screen.logicalYDPI ) != "undefined") ? screen.logicalYDPI  : "";
		This function captures whether or not the user has enabled font-smoothing in the display control panel. 
		this.deviceprint_screen_fontSmoothingEnabled = function () {			
			return (typeof(screen.fontSmoothingEnabled ) != "undefined") ? screen.fontSmoothingEnabled  : "";
		This function captures the Client's update interval for the screen. 
		this.deviceprint_screen_updateInterval = function () {			
			return (typeof(screen.updateInterval ) != "undefined") ? screen.updateInterval  : "";
		 * This function captures the user's timezone in GMT
		this.deviceprint_timezone = function () {
			var gmtHours = (new Date().getTimezoneOffset() / 60) * (-1);
			return gmtHours;
	 * URL encode the string to make it portable safely
	function urlEncode(text) {
		// The escape() function encodes special characters, with the exception of:
		// * @ - _ + . /
		// find *+-_/.@ and replace with equivalent url-encode value
		var encodedString = escape(text).replace(/\*/g, "%2A").replace(/\+/g, "%2B")
		.replace(/-/g, "%2D").replace(/\./g, "%2E").replace(/\//g, "%2F")
				.replace(/_/g, "%5F").replace(/@/g, "%40");
		return encodedString;
	 * Encoded Deviceprint - Encodes The Deviceprint
	function encode_deviceprint() {
		var t = add_deviceprint();		
		return urlEncode(t);
	 * Helper Function - Shows How to Decode The Deviceprint
	function decode_deviceprint() {		
		return unescape( encode_deviceprint() );
	 * deviceprint - POST data
	function post_deviceprint() {		
		document.forms[0].pm_fp.value = encode_deviceprint();
		return true;
	Post fingerprints - calles to add_deviceprint.
	This is the call from old API 58
	function post_fingerprints( form ) 
		form.deviceprint.value = encode_deviceprint();
	 * Deviceprint - delimited string value where names are in accordance with
	 * PassMarkDeviceRequest
	function add_deviceprint() {
		 * Browser Detection
		var fp;				
		switch (BrowserDetect.browser)
		case 'Explorer':
			fp = new IE_FingerPrint();
		case 'Firefox':
			fp = new Mozilla_FingerPrint();
		case 'Opera':
			fp = new Opera_FingerPrint();
			fp = new FingerPrint();
		var t = "version=" + fp.deviceprint_version() + "&pm_fpua=" + fp.deviceprint_browser() + "&pm_fpsc=" + fp.deviceprint_display() + "&pm_fpsw=" + fp.deviceprint_software() +
				"&pm_fptz=" + fp.deviceprint_timezone() + "&pm_fpln=" + fp.deviceprint_language() + "&pm_fpjv=" + fp.deviceprint_java() +
				"&pm_fpco=" + fp.deviceprint_cookie();
		// new Field to collect the all the plugins and not just from the hashtable
		t = t + "&pm_fpasw=" + fp.deviceprint_all_software();
		// 14 New elements to collect 
		t = t + "&pm_fpan=" + fp.deviceprint_appName() + "&pm_fpacn=" + fp.deviceprint_appCodeName() + "&pm_fpol=" + fp.deviceprint_online() +
			"&pm_fposp=" + fp.deviceprint_opsProfile() + "&pm_fpup=" + fp.deviceprint_userProfile() + "&pm_fpsaw=" + fp.deviceprint_screen_availWidth() +
			"&pm_fpspd=" + fp.deviceprint_screen_pixelDepth() + "&pm_fpsbd=" + fp.deviceprint_screen_bufferDepth() +
			"&pm_fpsdx=" + fp.deviceprint_screen_deviceXDPI() + "&pm_fpsdy=" + fp.deviceprint_screen_deviceYDPI() +			
			"&pm_fpslx=" + fp.deviceprint_screen_logicalXDPI() + "&pm_fpsly=" + fp.deviceprint_screen_logicalYDPI() +
			"&pm_fpsfse=" + fp.deviceprint_screen_fontSmoothingEnabled() + "&pm_fpsui=" + fp.deviceprint_screen_updateInterval();										
		return t;
	 * deviceprint Communication - 3 options 1. Post Asynchronously 2. Post
	 * Synchronously 3. Query String

	 * Async Post Helper Method
	function form_add_data(fd, name, value) {
		if (fd && fd.length > 0) {
			fd += "&";
		} else {
			fd = "";

		fd += name + '=' + escape(value.toString());
		return fd;

	function form_add_deviceprint(fd, name, value) {
		fd = form_add_data(fd, name + "d", value);
		return fd;

	 * deviceprint - POST Asynchronously
	function asyncpost_deviceprint(url) {
		var xmlhttp = false;
		/* @cc_on @ */
		 * @if (@_jscript_version >= 5) // JScript gives us Conditional compilation,
		 * we can cope with old IE versions. // and security blocked creation of the
		 * objects. try { xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) {
		 * try { xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (E) {
		 * xmlhttp = false; } } @end @

		if (!xmlhttp && typeof XMLHttpRequest !== 'undefined') {
			xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
		if (!xmlhttp) {
			return false;
		}"POST", url, true);
		 * Browser Detection
		var fp;				
		switch (BrowserDetect.browser)
		case 'Explorer':
			fp = new IE_FingerPrint();
		case 'Firefox':
			fp = new Mozilla_FingerPrint();
		case 'Opera':
			fp = new Opera_FingerPrint();
			fp = new FingerPrint();
		var fd;
		fd = form_add_deviceprint(fd, "fp_browser", fp.deviceprint_browser());
		fd = form_add_deviceprint(fd, "fp_display", fp.deviceprint_display());
		fd = form_add_deviceprint(fd, "fp_software", fp.deviceprint_software());
		fd = form_add_deviceprint(fd, "fp_timezone", fp.deviceprint_timezone());
		fd = form_add_deviceprint(fd, "fp_language", fp.deviceprint_language());
		fd = form_add_deviceprint(fd, "fp_java", fp.deviceprint_java());
		fd = form_add_deviceprint(fd, "fp_cookie", fp.deviceprint_cookie());

		xmlhttp.send(fd); // fire and forget
		return true;
*Always* check the changelogs BEFORE updating that important software!
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Re: Browser fingerprinting code samples

Post by Lurion »

Name: Are You A Human
Description: A script I found on a forum that uses the "AreYouAhuman" verification process. The script seems to collect info like screen resolution, color depth, user agent string, language, timezone, local/session storage, canvas, plugins, "murmurhash3_32_gc", etc.
Location: (go to 'Create Account' page)
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Re: Browser fingerprinting code samples

Post by Lurion »

Name: AliExpress umscript
Description: Found on AliExpress while browsing some pages. Does the usual stuff like canvas, plugins, browser details, activex, webrtc, and has some flash stuff. Originally found here: ... .0.8/um.js
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Re: Browser fingerprinting code samples

Post by Lurion »

Name: BehavioSec user profiling
Description: This company has an interesting demo script available on their website where they can profile users by measuring things like timing information of mouse movements, key presses (dwell times) and sequence timings i.e. how long it takes for a user to type a known test string. Once the program has profiled you it can then identify you with very high accuracy (according to the website).
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Re: Browser fingerprinting code samples

Post by Lurion »

Name: Piano Media fingerprinting code
Description: The script seems to be hosted on a 3rd party website and does some basic browser fingerprinting. What's also interesting is that it tries to use the non-adopted WebSQL API.
Its time to kick ass and chew bubble gum, and Im all out of gum.
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Re: Browser fingerprinting code samples

Post by Lurion »

Name: fingerprintjs2
Description: Javascript fingerprinting library that uses lots of techniques and has an interesting to-do list as well.
Location: Multiple websites.
Its time to kick ass and chew bubble gum, and Im all out of gum.
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