brokes gallery DL again?

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Joined: Wed Jan 29, 2020 3:04 pm brokes gallery DL again?

Post by Fritz_Geiger »

FlashGot v1.5.6.14 (last stable)
Firefox v23.0.1, NewMoon (PaleMoon mod for XP) 27.9.1a1

After right-clicking on a link as
and selecting "FlashGot Link" from context menu,
some progress bar activity happens in the right of the status bar
(different from ordinary FlashGot progress,
looks like several progress bars runs one after another,
i. e. spidering/digging is performing),
but no pictures were found,
irrespectible of what exact DL manager is used after FlashGot
(I tried ReGet and FireFox native).

Non-picture links as ... ge=0&idx=0
(that must be digged/expanded/searched for large/real picture)
are passed to DL manager.

DownThemAll! with Anticontainer does the same - does not function,
shows only non-expanded container links.

I think that imagefap changed something after year 2016.
But, as there are no complains in Internet in whole and on this site in particular,
it may be my-system-only problem.

I am asking other members/readers to try this function and to report result here.
It may be Firefox version-dependent or even WinXP/non-SSE/& problem.
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:52.9) Gecko/20100101 Goanna/3.4 Firefox/52.9 PaleMoon/27.9.1a1
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Re: brokes gallery DL again?

Post by therube »

Looks like it doesn't (no longer ?) work(s).

I'll just note, that the /thumb/ & the /full/ image URLs, while alike, differ (the &secure=).
IOW, you cannot simply s/thumb/full/ & expect things to work.
(Also looks like it has timeout code, but that shouldn't be an issue, I wouldn't think - unless you wait too long.)

Code: Select all
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Re: brokes gallery DL again?

Post by Fritz_Geiger »

Thanks for your research!

Looks like imagefap continues its struggle against mass download.
Can not tell exactly when they made the last move -
some years passed since my last use...
Not only f#^%ing Putin forbids me to see funny pictures
(senseless automatic blockings are typical here in Russia,
f. e. imagefap is banned totally / at whole),
but even a site itself prevents us from its content,
forcing a user to make a 10x series of stupid/repeating clicks for 1 picture
instead of a couple for all gallery.
Note, the most disturbing thing
is that I'll not see their ads anyway (thanks to Request Policy),
even if I'll visit all the pages they force me to.

Returning to the problem.
Does I understand right:
it is impossible to guess /full/ picture link (including "secure" tail) from the source of the gallery page,
so it is necessary to ask/receive each individual picture page
to extract the embedded actual /full/ link from "contentUrl"?
Same function like HTTrack Website Copier, Teleport Pro or the same, set to depth/digging level 2
with mask equal to DOS's "*"?
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:52.9) Gecko/20100101 Goanna/3.4 Firefox/52.9 PaleMoon/27.9.1a1
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