FlashGot Media always downloads same track

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FlashGot Media always downloads same track

Post by Danny13219 »

While using Google Play Music, FlashGot will work sometimes and sometimes not - no Flashgot media items. When it dopes work, it successfully downloads the mp3 I'm playing. But when I play a different track, the Flashgot media shows the same track I played previously - not the one currently playing. If I refresh the page, I don't see any Flashgot media items at all. Sometimes uninstalling FlashGot and re-installing it helps =- but not always. I'm not sure how else to explain the issue. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. Hope someone can help me. Thanks.
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Re: FlashGot Media always downloads same track

Post by therube »

Flashgot media shows the same track I played previously - not the one currently playing
I saw something similar, on Youtube, & unrelated to FlashGot, Bug 1105343 - Send Link does not send correct link from a Youtube playlist.

Otherwise, sometimes, on YT, I've seen that, & I have to open the particular clip in a new tab. For whatever reason, every so often, things get cross-linked on YT playlists.
FlashGot will work sometimes and sometimes not - no Flashgot media items
I've seen similar on various sites, from time to time.
Google Play Music
Don't think I'm going there. Seems (in the past) it was always a PITA.
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