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Flashgot media enhancement with embedded media

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 1:56 pm
by larz
With FX 3.5, user of mediaplayerconnectivity have problem with NS_ERROR_ALREADY_INITIALIZED, which happens in some other extensions and has no solution now. The author no longer update the extension since 2008.06 so i need to find a alternative to the playing of embedded media. I think flashgot is a good choice and can do more.

flashgot media now can detect flv files from http stream, and i hope it can add these features
1) build some well known file types of media and user can manually edit them.

2) status icon can show all embedded media on the page then choose one to invoke predefined downland manager (in my case, which is mplayer or VLC).

3) have a option to switch "automatically invoke(play) the embedded media" when detect, which can save many manually click operations on some video sites.

4) a whitelist for flashgot media