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Feature request: Temporarily TRUSTED, Keyboard shortcuts

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 10:17 am
by palme

I have two feature requests and if someone could reach me a helping hand i am willing to try to implement them on my own or at least help with the implementation

Temporarily allow "snap in" feature for "Set all on this page to Temporarily TRUSTED (snap in)", which would allow all scripts from a site without reloading, even scripts that
get known after a first "Set all on this page to Temporarily TRUSTED" click happened.
Currently only the "known" scripts get allowed and one has to reload sites like google maps multiple times to get it working, when the scripts are all disallowed by default.

Keyboard shortcuts for "Set all on this page to Temporarily TRUSTED"/"Set all on this page to Temporarily TRUSTED (snap in)" and "Revoke Temporary Permissions" should be
implemented and there should be the possibility to define them like in the old versions of NoScript.